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H.G.A. - Holy Guardian Angel

The Hermit

From "Clouds Without Water"
Part III The Hermit p. 35ff
















Lonely, o life, art thou when circumstance
            Occult or open keeps us twain apart!
            Lamenting through the dreary day there dance
            Anaemic a thoughts; the bruised and bloddless heart
Beats as if tired os life, as I am tired
            Who all these days have never seen your face,
            Nor touched the body that my soul desired,
            Nor have inhaled the perfume of the place
That you make sweet - black dogs of doubt and fear
            Howl at my heels while car plies b whip and spur, c
            Driving me down to the dull damned dead sphere
            Where is no sight or sound of Her
Our Lady Dian,d but where hag and witch
            Hecate bestrides her broom - the bestial bitch!


Like to a country in the interdict a
         Whose folk lack all the grace of eucharist,
            My heart is; all the pangs its foes inflict
            Are naught to this unutterable mist
Of absence. Where's the daily sacrament,
            The glad devouring of your body and blood,
            Sweet soul of Christ, my Lola? I am rent
            Even as the demons from the face of God
When they would peer into beatitude.
            I am barred from the incalculable bliss,
            The unutterable chrism, b the soul's food,
            Of you, your gaze, your word, your touch, your kiss
O Gods, Fates, Fiends - whoever plays the Pope!
            Lift up your curse - leave me not without hope!


My soul is like the savage upland plains
            Of utmost wretchedness in Tartary. c
            No strenght of sun, no fertilizing rains!
            Only a bitter wind, intense and dry,
Cuts over them. Hardly the memory stands
            Of one who travels there; his pain forgets
            The golden bliss of all those other lands
            Where he was happy. So the blizzard d frets
Its sterile death across my soul, and chills
            All hope of life even from the rare sad seeds
            It blows from sunnier vales and happier hills,
            Through at the best they be but worthless weeds.
I stand - I scan the infinite horizon
            Of hopeless hope - yet I must travel on.


When for an hour we met (to call it meeting
            Barred by the bleak ice of society
            From even the lover's glance, the lover's greeting.
            The intonation that means ecstasy!)
One ray of saddest gladness lit the dusk:
            This - that I saw you pale and suffering,
            A goddess armed with myrrh instead of musk, a
         With lips too cold to pray, too dry to sing.
For by that sight I knew the adorable
            Truth, that you wept in secret over me.
            Your silence was the dumb despair of hell;
            Who read it right read love. Strange cruelty,
That who would die for you, sweet murderess,
            Should find his comfort in your bitterness!


For there you sat, you smiled, you chatted on,
            Myself alone perceiving the keen cold
            Sword at your heart, the speechless malison b
            That trembled on your tongue, the while it trolled c
Its senseless clamour d of necessary wit,
            And woke the senseless necessary laughter,
            The senseless necessary reply to it,
            The long sad silly commonplace thereafter.
Suppose we had risen, as quick as thought, and stood
            And caught and kissed - what could the storm have done
            Worse than this sickening fog of solitude?
            Who can do worse that take away the sun?
They better had take care, I think. One day
            We shall go mad, and take ourselves away.


Yet we may hope; for this, and not from fear,
            We kept our counsel; we may hope anon a
            To turn the corner of the evil year
            And find a brave new springtide coming on.
Meanwhile by stealth I may invoke your shade
            And clasp you to me, though it be a dream
            Or little more, a vision from the Maid
            That rules by Phlegethon's b sepulchral c stream.
Nay! it is more: my magic art compel
            (My soul!) my maiden's body to appear
            Visible, tangible, enjoyable
            Even to the senses of the amorous seer,
Whose demon ministers through the gulphs and glooms
        Convey his mistress ón their meteor plumes.


More, I will visit you, forlorn who lie
            Crying for lack of me; your very flesh
            Shall tingle with the touch of me as I
            Wrap you about with the ensorcelled mesh
Of my fine body of fire: oh! you shall feel
            My kisses on your mouth like living coals,
            And piercing like an arrow of barbèd steel
            The arcane caress that shall unite our souls.
Till, when I see you next, I shall have doubt
            Whether your pallor d be from love distressed
            Or from the exhaustion of me upon your breast
Held hard all night, with mouths that never ceased
            To engorge a love's single sacramental feast.


One writes, and all is easy. Drop the pen,
            And Paradise is blotted out! The earth,
            Fair as it seemed, becomes a hideous den, b
            And all life's promises of little worth.
Like to a mother whose one child is dead
            I wander, aching for the sight, the sound,
            The touch - familiar, now inhibited.
            The child is under ground - is under ground -
The child is under ground - who comforts her?
            The bastard fool her priest? The useless clod c
         Her husband? The accursed murderer
            Her God? - if so be that she hath a God.
Foul curses from my life's envenomed flood
            Break in a vomit of black foam and blood.


As one entranced by dint of cannabis, d
            Whose sense of time is changed past recognition,
            Whether he suffer woe or taste of bliss,
            He loses both his reason and volition. e
He says one word - what countless ages pass!
            He walks across the room - a voyage as far
            As the astronomer's who turn his glass
            On faintest star-webs past the farthest star
And travels thither in the spirit. So
            It seems impossible to me that ever
            The sands of our ill luck should run so low
            That splendidly success should match endeavour;
Yet it must be, and very soon must be:
            For I believe in you, and you in me.


To-morrow is the day when Christ our Lord
            Rose from the dead; therefore, the shops are shut.
            Men may get drunk, or syphilized or bored,
            Robbed, murdered, or regenerated - but!
But they must not get letters, be amused
            Or do a thing they want to do till Monday;
            Whence comes the universally-diffused
            And steady popularity of Sunday.
And yet I grumble! any other day
            I might receive a message from my Lola:
            "The siege is raised. Meet me as usual!" Nay!
            For me the sofa and Verlaine a or Zola b
Till Christ's affair is over, and the town
            Runs a young resurrection of its own.


Were you a shop-girl and myself a clerk,
            Things might be better - we could surely meet
            With due umbrellas in the dripping Park
            And decorously spoon upon a seat.
This is the penalty one pays for rank
            And fortune! Ah, my Lola, I am dying
            And mad - or would God play me such a prank
            As to dictate such verse while you are crying?
Let me too weep, weep on! weep out my soul,
            Weep til the world of sense was wept away
            And, dead, I reached you at the glimmering goal
            Whither you had outrun me! Weep, I say,
Weep! It is better. Thus one earns a chrism -
            Who ever gained one by cheap cynicism?


Wherefore I duly will invoke the God
            Of tears that he may mingle yours and mine,
            Water therewith Life's unresponsive sod, a
         And raise therefrom some sickly growth of vine
Whose grape shall yield a bitter draught of woe
            Fit for the assuaging of a deadlier thirst
            Than Attis b knew or Abelard c: even so
            I suffer; than some lovely nun accurst d
Who beats her breast upon the convent bars, e
         Even so you suffer: let its draught restore
            All lovers (that invoke the sad cold stars)
            Unto good luck: then you and I once more
(Though still we were forbidden word and kiss)
            Might find a certain happiness in this.


For truth it is, my maiden, we have had
            Already more than our fair share of pleasure.
            The good god Dionysus f ivy-clad
            Hath poured us out a draught of brimming measure.
Let us then rather give the lustiest praise
            Our throats can sound then pray for further favour;
            Even though our sorrow, eating up our days,
            Devour us also. Gods enjoy the savour
Of Man's thanksgiving; from their holy place
            Beholding mortals, they are wont a to see
            Tears; they rejoice to see a proud glad face
            Master of itself and of eternity.
Let us, reflecting on how dear we love,
            Shew laughter and courage to the gods above!


Now then the fickle b song hath changed and shifted
            Round from the dirge c to the primordial paean. d
            Lola! my Lola! let our voices lifted
            Proclaim to all the Masters of the Aeon:
We love each other! let them meditate
            Awhile on that glad cry, and you will see
            How they consult, and smile, and hint to fate
            That none can mar so holy a destiny.
We love each other! loud and glad; let heaven
            And all the gods be deafened! Sing, O sing!
            We love each other! through the storm-cloud riven
            Let the wild anthem of our triumph ring!
Hark! the glad chorus as we drag the stars
            In chains behind our mad colossal cars!


     a Anaemic: that suffers from lack of blood, "white-faced," "bloodless."

     b plies: from "ply": "to use," "to use diligently."

     c spur: the instrument fixed to the boot-heels of riders to regulate a beast of burden such as a horse or an ass.

     d Dian: The Latin name: "Diana" for the Greek Artemis. Goddess of the hunt, young virgins, the moon, and cross-roads.

     e Hecat: The Greek goddess Hecate, goddess of elder women connected to the dark moon, magic, crossroads, &.c.

     a interdict: something forbidden, under laws of prohibition.

     b chrism: i.e., the holy oil, used in the Christian rite.

     c Tartary: the highland plains where the Tartars, Turks and Cossacks live. Our Poet might also have likened this place to Tartarus in his fertile mind: Tartarus as the abyss below the Greek hell, Hades, where great offenders got confined, as did the Titans.

     d blizzard: a snowstorm.

     a myrrh instead of musk: myrrh the traditional incense of sorrow and death, musk of sensuality and love.

     b malison: archaic: "a curse."

     c trolled: "sang," "sang in a careless fashion."

     d clamour: a cry, a big noise of war, even "a cry of rage and despair."

     a anon: poetic and archaic for "at once," "very soon."

     b Phlegethon: also spelled "Pyriphlegethon," river of fire, one of five rivers in Hades, Greek hell. Odyssey x.

     c sepulchral: like a graveyard, grave-like.

     d pallor: "paleness."

     a engorge: "to eat with great appetite," "to swallow down."

     b den: "a cave," 2a dwelling place for a beast living in hollows."

     c clod: "a piece of earth," figuratively for "a fool," "an idiot."

     d by dint of cannabis:  with the help of cannabis (marihuana, hash and the like.)

     e volition: "will."

     a Verlaine: Paul Verlaine. French poet, friend of Arthur Rimbaud

     b Zola: Emil Zola, French novelist - realist

     a sod: the layer of earth which is covered with grass; a piece of turf.

     b Attis: one of the dying gods of vegetation rituals.

     c Abelard: a tragic lover of mystical and romance in medieval European literature, with his lover Helöise.

     d accurst: modern spelling would spell this: "accursed."

     e convent bars: the doors and the fence around the monastery, or rather convent, where female hermits gather.

     f Dionysus: the Greek god of vine, wine, laughter, folly and carnal desires.

     a wont: "used to" - "usual".

     b fickle: "weak," "shifting," "not enduring."

     c dirge: a song of sadness, a complaining hymn.

     d primordial paean: the original song of triumph and joy.
