No Notation

Holy as Crowley

The Adorations  of  ViaoV

By Captain Fuller in "Equinox I.iii supl." p. 55ff
This version as selected in "Diary of a Drug Fiend"
Chapters 2 & 3. Set to verse


O Thou golden wine of the sun,
That art poured over the dark breasts of night!
            I adore Thee, Evoe! a
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou crimson vintage of life,
That are poured into the jar of the grave!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou red cobra of desire,
That are unhooded by the hands of girls!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou burning sword of passion,
That are torn on the anvil of flesh!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou mad whirlwind of laughter,
That art meshed in the wild locks of folly!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou Dragon-prince of the air,
That art drunk on the blood of the sunsets!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou fragrance of sweet flowers,
That art wafted over blue fields of air!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou foursquare Crown of Nothing,
That circlest the destruction of Worlds!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou snow-white chalice of Love,
That art filled up with the red lusts of man!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou vampire Queen of the Flesh,
Wound as a snake around the throats of men!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou fierce whirlpool of passion,
That art sucked up by the mouth of the sun!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou outrider of the Sun,
That spurrest the bloody flanks of the wind!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO! 

O Thou dancer with gilded nails,
That unbraidest the star hair of the night!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou bird-sweet river of Love,
That warblest through the pebbly gorge of Life!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou storm-drunk breath of the winds,
That pant in the bosom of the mountains!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou low moan of fainting maids,
That art caught up in the strong sobs of Love!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou scarlet dragon of flame,
Enmeshed in the web of a spider!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou naked virgin of love,
That art caught in a net of wild roses!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou sparkling wine-cup of light,
Whose foaming is the heart's blood of the stars!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou frail bluebell of moonlight,
That art lost in the gardens of the stars!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou trembling breast of the night,
That gleamest with a rosary of moons!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou summer softness of lips,
That glow hot with the scarlet of passion!
I adore Thee, Evoe!
I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou tortured shriek of the storm,
That art whirled up through the leaves of the woods!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou bright star of the morning,
That art set betwixt the breasts of the Night!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou purple breast of the storm,
That art scarred by the teeth of the lightning!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!

O Thou unvintageable dew,
That art moist on the lips of the Morn!
            I adore Thee, Evoe!
            I adore Thee, IAO!  


     a Evoe:  a feminine form of IAO